Tutorial: Building a basic chat server#
In this tutorial we will build a very basic chat server. It will allow anyone to send messages to everyone else currently connected to the server.
This tutorial is meant to serve as an introduction to WebSockets in Quart. If you want to skip to the end the code is on Github.
1: Creating the project#
We need to create a project for our chat server, I like to use Poetry to do this. Poetry is installed via pip (or via Brew):
pip install poetry
We can then use Poetry to create a new chat project:
poetry new --src chat
Our project can now be developed in the chat directory, and all subsequent commands should be in run the chat directory.
2: Adding the dependencies#
We only need Quart to build this simple chat server, which we can install as a dependency of the project by running the following:
poetry add quart
Poetry will ensure that this dependency is present and the paths are correct by running:
poetry install
3: Creating the app#
We need a Quart app to be our web server, which is created by the following addition to src/chat/__init__.py:
from quart import Quart
app = Quart(__name__)
def run() -> None:
To make the app easy to run we can call the run method from a poetry script, by adding the following to pyproject.toml:
start = "chat:run"
Which allows the following command to start the app:
poetry run start
4: Serving the UI#
When users visit our chat website we will need to show them a UI which they can use to enter and receive messages. The following HTML template should be added to src/chat/templates/index.html:
<script type="text/javascript">
const ws = new WebSocket(`ws://${location.host}/ws`);
ws.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
const li = document.createElement("li");
function send(event) {
const message = (new FormData(event.target)).get("message");
if (message) {
return false;
<div style="display: flex; height: 100%; flex-direction: column">
<ul id="messages" style="flex-grow: 1; list-style-type: none"></ul>
<form onsubmit="return send(event)">
<input type="text" name="message" minlength="1" />
<button type="submit">Send</button>
This is a very basic UI both in terms of the styling, but also as there is no error handling for the WebSocket.
We can now serve this template for the root path i.e. /
by adding
the following to src/chat/__init__.py:
from quart import render_template
async def index():
return await render_template("index.html")
5: Building a broker#
Before we can add the websocket route we need to be able to pass messages from one connected client to another. For this we will need a message-broker. To start we’ll build our own in memory broker by adding the following to src/chat/broker.py:
import asyncio
from typing import AsyncGenerator
from quart import Quart
class Broker:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.connections = set()
async def publish(self, message: str) -> None:
for connection in self.connections:
await connection.put(message)
async def subscribe(self) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]:
connection = asyncio.Queue()
while True:
yield await connection.get()
This Broker
has a publish-subscibe pattern based interface, with
clients expected to publish messages to other clients whilst
subscribing to any messages sent.
6: Implementing the websocket#
We can now implement the websocket route, by adding the following to src/chat/__init__.py:
import asyncio
from quart import websocket
from chat.broker import Broker
broker = Broker()
async def _receive() -> None:
while True:
message = await websocket.receive()
await broker.publish(message)
async def ws() -> None:
task = asyncio.ensure_future(_receive())
async for message in broker.subscribe():
await websocket.send(message)
await task
The _receive
coroutine must run as a separate task to ensure that
sending and receiving run concurrently. In addition this task must be
properly cancelled and cleaned up.
When the user disconnects a CancelledError will be raised breaking the while loops and triggering the finally blocks.
7: Testing#
To test our app we need to check that messages sent via the websocket route are echoed back. This is done by adding the following to tests/test_chat.py:
import asyncio
from quart.testing.connections import TestWebsocketConnection as _TestWebsocketConnection
from chat import app
async def _receive(test_websocket: _TestWebsocketConnection) -> str:
return await test_websocket.receive()
async def test_websocket() -> None:
test_client = app.test_client()
async with test_client.websocket("/ws") as test_websocket:
task = asyncio.ensure_future(_receive(test_websocket))
await test_websocket.send("message")
result = await task
assert result == "message"
As the test is an async function we need to install pytest-asyncio by running the following:
poetry add --dev pytest-asyncio
Once installed it needs to be configured by adding the following to pyproject.toml:
asyncio_mode = "auto"
Finally we can run the tests via this command:
poetry run pytest tests/
If you are running this in the Quart example folder you’ll need to add
a -c pyproject.toml
option to prevent pytest from using the Quart
pytest configuration.
8: Summary#
The message-broker we’ve built so far only works in memory, which means that messages are only shared with users connected to the same server instance. To share messages across server instances we need to use a third party broker, such as redis via the aioredis library which supports a pub/sub interface.