Custom Command Line Commands#

The quart command can be customised by the app to add additional functionality. A very typical use case is to add a database initialisation command,

import click

def initdb():
    click.echo('Database is migrating')

which will then work as,

$ quart initdb
Database is migrating


Unlike Flask the Quart commands do not run within an app context, as click commands are synchronous rather than asynchronous.

Asynchronous usage#

The best way to use some asynchronous code in a custom command is to create an event loop and run it manually, for example,

import asyncio

def fetch_db_data():
    result = asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(_fetch())

async def _fetch():
    return await db.execute(...)

Including a CLI Command in an extension or another module#

To include CLI commands in a Quart extension or blueprint, register the methods in the “run” factory function

from quart import Quart
from my_extension import my_cli

def create_app():
    app = Quart(__name__)
    app = my_cli(app)
    return app

And in your module or extension:

import click

def my_cli(app):
    # @click.option("--my-option")
    def my_cli_command():
        print("quart ran this command")

    return app

This can be run with:

$ quart mycli
$ quart ran this command