.. _blog_tutorial: Tutorial: Building a simple blog ================================ In this tutorial we will build a simple blog with entries stored in a database. We'll then render these posts on the server and serve the HTML directly to the user. This tutorial is meant to serve as an introduction to building server rendered websites in Quart. If you want to skip to the end the code is on `Github `_. 1: Creating the project ----------------------- We need to create a project for our blog server, I like to use `Poetry `_ to do this. Poetry is installed via pip (or via `Brew `_): .. code-block:: console pip install poetry We can then use Poetry to create a new blog project: .. code-block:: console poetry new --src blog Our project can now be developed in the *blog* directory, and all subsequent commands should be in run the *blog* directory. 2: Adding the dependencies -------------------------- To start we only need Quart to build the blog server, which we can install as a dependency of the project by running the following: .. code-block:: console poetry add quart Poetry will ensure that this dependency is present and the paths are correct by running: .. code-block:: console poetry install 3: Creating the app ------------------- We need a Quart app to be our web server, which is created by the following addition to *src/blog/__init__.py*: .. code-block:: python :caption: src/blog/__init__.py from quart import Quart app = Quart(__name__) def run() -> None: app.run() To make the app easy to run we can call the run method from a poetry script, by adding the following to *pyproject.toml*: .. code-block:: toml :caption: pyproject.toml [tool.poetry.scripts] start = "blog:run" Which allows the following command to start the app: .. code-block:: console poetry run start 4: Creating the database ------------------------ There are many database management systems to choose from depending upon the needs and requirements. In this case we need only the simplest system, and Python’s standard library includes SQLite making it the easiest. To initialise the database we need the following SQL to create the correct table, as added to *src/blog/schema.sql*: .. code-block:: sql :caption: src/blog/schema.sql DROP TABLE IF EXISTS post; CREATE TABLE post ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, title TEXT NOT NULL, 'text' TEXT NOT NULL ); Next we need to be able to create the database on command, which we can do by adding the command code to *src/blog/__init__.py*: .. code-block:: python :caption: src/blog/__init__.py from pathlib import Path from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 app.config.update({ "DATABASE": app.root_path / "blog.db", }) def _connect_db(): engine = sqlite3.connect(app.config["DATABASE"]) engine.row_factory = sqlite3.Row return engine def init_db(): db = _connect_db() with open(app.root_path / "schema.sql", mode="r") as file_: db.cursor().executescript(file_.read()) db.commit() Next we need to update the poetry scripts in *pyproject.toml* to be: .. code-block:: toml :caption: pyproject.toml [tool.poetry.scripts] init_db = "blog:init_db" start = "blog:run" Now we can run the following to create and update the database: .. code-block:: console poetry run init_db .. warning:: Running this command will wipe any existing data. 5: Displaying posts in the database ----------------------------------- With can now display the posts present in the database. To do so we first need a template to render the posts as HTML. This is as follows and should be added to *src/blog/templates/posts.html*: .. code-block:: html :caption: src/blog/templates/posts.html
{% for post in posts %}

{{ post.title }}

{{ post.text|safe }}

{% else %}

No posts available

{% endfor %}
Now we need a route to query the database, retrieve the messages, and render the template. As done with the following code which should be added to *src/blog/__init__.py*: .. code-block:: python :caption: src/blog/__init__.py from quart import render_template, g def _get_db(): if not hasattr(g, "sqlite_db"): g.sqlite_db = _connect_db() return g.sqlite_db @app.get("/") async def posts(): db = _get_db() cur = db.execute( """SELECT title, text FROM post ORDER BY id DESC""", ) posts = cur.fetchall() return await render_template("posts.html", posts=posts) 6: Creating a new post ---------------------- To create blog posts we first need a form into which a user can enter the post details. This is done via the following template code that should be added to *src/blog/templates/create.html*: .. code-block:: html :caption: src/blog/templates/create.html
The styling ensures that the elements of the form are arranged verically with a gap and sensible maximum width. To allow a visitor to create a blog post we need to accept the POST request generated by this form in the browser. To do so the following should be added to *src/blog/__init__.py*: .. code-block:: python :caption: src/blog/__init__.py from quart import redirect, request, url_for @app.route("/create/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) async def create(): if request.method == "POST": db = _get_db() form = await request.form db.execute( "INSERT INTO post (title, text) VALUES (?, ?)", [form["title"], form["text"]], ) db.commit() return redirect(url_for("posts")) else: return await render_template("create.html") This route handler will render the creation form in response to a GET request e.g. via navigation in the browser. However, for a POST request it will extract the form data to create a blog post before redirecting the user to the page with the posts. 7: Testing ---------- To test our app we need to check that a blog post can be created, and once done so shows on the posts page. Firstly we need to create a temporary database for testing, which we can do using a pytest fixture placed in *tests/conftest.py*: .. code-block:: python :caption: tests/conftest.py import pytest from blog import app, init_db @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def configure_db(tmpdir): app.config['DATABASE'] = str(tmpdir.join('blog.db')) init_db() This fixture will run automatically before our tests, thereby setting up a database we can use in the tests. To test the creation and display we can add the following to *tests/test_blog.py*: .. code-block:: python :caption: tests/test_blog.py from blog import app async def test_create_post(): test_client = app.test_client() response = await test_client.post("/create/", form={"title": "Post", "text": "Text"}) assert response.status_code == 302 response = await test_client.get("/") text = await response.get_data() assert b"


" in text assert b"


" in text As the test is an async function we need to install `pytest-asyncio `_ by running the following: .. code-block:: console poetry add --dev pytest-asyncio Once installed it needs to be configured by adding the following to *pyproject.toml*: .. code-block:: toml [tool.pytest.ini_options] asyncio_mode = "auto" Finally we can run the tests via this command: .. code-block:: console poetry run pytest tests/ If you are running this in the Quart example folder you'll need to add a ``-c pyproject.toml`` option to prevent pytest from using the Quart pytest configuration. 8: Summary ---------- We've built a simple database backed blog server. This should be a good starting point to building any type of server rendered app.