.. _streaming_response: Streaming responses =================== Quart supports responses that are meant to be streamed to the client, rather than received in one block. If you are interested in streaming the request data see :ref:`request_body` or for duplex streaming see :ref:`websockets`. To stream a response the view-function should return an asynchronous generator that yields bytes. This generator can be returned with a status code and headers as normal. For example to stream the time every second, .. code-block:: python @app.route('/') async def stream_time(): async def async_generator(): time = datetime.isoformat() yield time.encode() return async_generator(), 200, {'X-Something': 'value'} With context ------------ If you want to make use of the ``request`` context whilst streaming you will need to use the :func:`quart.helpers.stream_with_context` decorator, .. code-block:: python @app.route('/') async def stream_time(): @stream_with_context async def async_generator(): time = datetime.isoformat() yield time.encode() return async_generator(), 200, {'X-Something': 'value'} Timeout ------- Quart by default will timeout long responses to protect against possible denial of service attacks, see :ref:`dos_mitigations`. This may be undesired for streaming responses, e.g. an indefinite stream. The timeout can be disabled globally, however this could make other routes DOS vulnerable, therefore the recommendation is to set the timeout attribute on a specific response to ``None``, .. code-block:: python from quart import make_response @app.route('/sse') async def stream_time(): ... response = await make_response(async_generator()) response.timeout = None # No timeout for this route return response Testing ------- The test client :meth:`~quart.testing.client.QuartClient.get` and associated methods will collate the entire streamed response. If you want to test that the route actually streams the response, or to test routes that stream until the client disconnects you will need to use the :meth:`~quart.testing.client.QuartClient.request` method, .. code-block:: python async def test_stream() -> None: test_client = app.test_client() async with test_client.request(..) as connection: data = await connection.receive() assert data ... assert connection.status_code == 200 ... await connection.disconnect() # For infinite streams See also -------- :ref:`server_sent_events`